Saturday, 17 December 2011

Strings producer and consumer processes

Fork two processes that create and remove 10,000 random length strings of random alphabetic characters.
Hint: use shared memory, include sys/shm.h.
See also Producer and consumer processes


Download file

Excercise from CS3008

Friday, 16 December 2011

Producer and consumer processes

Fork two processes which share a common 4KB area of memory. One process should produce 10 million bytes, the other should consume them.
Hint: use shared memory, include sys/shm.h. Think to what is fork function doing.


Download the file here

Exercise from CS3008

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Write a ppm file picture

Write a picture ppm file to memory.
To make it faster, use mmap so that the memory writes itself back to a file at the end.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Reading man pages

The manual page for getpwuid says, among other things
#include <pwd.h>

struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t uid);

The passwd structure is defined as follows:

struct passwd {
char *pw_name; /* user name */
char *pw_passwd; /* user password */
uid_t pw_uid; /* user ID */
gid_t pw_gid; /* group ID */
char *pw_gecos; /* real name */
char *pw_dir; /* home directory */
char *pw_shell; /* shell program */

 1. Where is struct passwd defined?

 2. What is uid_t?

 3. Write a minimum C program to print your real name and your user name

1) A definition for struct passwd is provided by the <pwd.h> header

2) uid_t is a type defined by <sys/types.h> used for numerical user ID


Exercise from: CS3008

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Create a file with C

Write void makefile(const char * filename, int length); which writes a file of the specified length. The contents of the file should all be 0.

Exercise from: CS3008

Saturday, 10 December 2011

C char and string

An easy exercise to get in touch with C char and strings handling

void show( const char s[])
which prints the ascii values of the first ten chars in s.

Write a function
int mylen( const char * s)
which returns the useful length of the string s. C strings are terminated by a zero char.
Please do not use strlen from the string.h library, but write it with raw C. [1]

Test this with several examples, including the null string "".

Use your function as part of a program to count the number of 4 letter words typed to it. The central part is
char buff[100];
while (scanf(" %s", buff) != EOF){
// do something with buff, which should hold
// a zero-terminated string.
a.out expects you to type words to it, followed by an end of file (CTRL-D).

cat /usr/dict/words | a.out


#include <stdio.h>
void show(const char s[]){
         int i = 0;

int mylen( const char * s){
          int cont = 0;
          return cont;

int countFourLettersWords(){
          char buff[100];
          int cont = 0;
          while(scanf("%s",buff)!= EOF){
          return cont;

int main(){
          char s[]="Hello world";
          char empty[]="";
          char num[]="01234";
          printf("Length:\n %d\n",mylen(s));
          printf("Length:\n %d\n",mylen(empty));
          printf("Length:\n %d\n",mylen(num));
          printf("I will count the four letters words:\n");
          printf("%d \n",countFourLettersWords());

Exercise from: CS3008

Friday, 9 December 2011


Little exercise to test yor skills with C structs

- 1)  From the C statement
                A[j].data[k] = 63;
                What do we know about the types of

- 2) Write a definition for A which will make the statement syntactically acceptable.

- 3) Write a function to fill your version of A with a different value in every cell.

Possible Solution

- 1) 
              j int               k int               data int *               A pointer to a structure TCell (see below)

- 2)
              typedef struct TCell *Array;
              struct TCell{
              int * data;
              Array A;

- 3)
typedef struct TCell *Array;
struct TCell{
            int * data;
int main(){
            int arrayDim = 10;
            int dataDim = 5;
            Array A = (Array)malloc(sizeof(struct TCell)*10);
            int * data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*dataDim);
            for(int j=0; j < arrayDim; j++){
                        A[j].data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*dataDim);
                        for( int k = 0; k < dataDim; k++){
                                    A[j].data[k] = rand()%100;

Exercise from: CS3008